Library - Chakra - Crown (LILAC)


Crown Chakra

About the Crown (Sahasara) Chakra

The Crown Chakra is known as the Sahasrara in the Vedic texts, which translates to "Great Sound". It represents the primal sound emanating from all of creation. It is understood to be the 'Bridge to the Cosmos', and is the most spiritual of all the seven primary chakras. It is located at the top of the head, centred in the fontanelle area, and is said to be the individuals' spirit centre of enlightenment, wisdom and universal consciousness. It is equated to the 'spiritual antenna' that connects a person to their Higher guidance. 

It is associated with other chakras at the back of the head. It is said to be the connective point where the soul enters the body, creating the other chakras, and where kundalini energy is coiled at the base of the spine until a person is ready to open to it. It is associated with the brain's neocortex: sensory perception, cognition and emotional regulation because it oversees the pineal gland's physical function, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Other functions of the Chakra include the brain's outer layers and fluid, which protect the brain and spinal cord from knocks and jolts. It acts as an antenna for direct knowledge of Universal Consciousness. It corresponds to mercy, gentleness, patience, detachment, deep spiritual love and release of control, humility, reflection, restfulness, effort, magnanimity, concentration, and considered emotional responses. Associated with the element of thought, this energy centre controls your connection to spirit and your sense of universal consciousness, wisdom, unity, and self-knowledge. 

Symbolism of the Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is symbolised as a lotus flower of 1000 petals of different colours. The petals are arranged in 20 layers with approximately fifty petals each. The Sanskrit representation of Sahasrara is one of different colours for petals, but more modern images have the crown chakra coloured violet or white. Sahasrara images place a golden triangle in the middle, of the image, with a circular moon with an upward or downward golden triangle in the middle and a red bindi in the middle of the Triangle. 

Violet – represents spirituality, Higher consciousness, and enlightenment.

White – purity and purification, mercy, and compassion.

Circular Moon with an inner golden triangle – refers to the cycle of life – completion, birth, life, death, rebirth… 

The golden Triangle – refers to other higher levels of consciousness above the crown, drawing energy into the body from above or raising kundalini from the base chakra to the Universe. 

Red Bindi – refers to the feminine roles in the creation of life (blood). 

Seed Mantra: AH translates to 'I release and let go'. Within the English perspective, it might be better to use a different mantra that honours the energy of the crown chakra, where a person 'surrenders' the highest good (Or Divine plan) and aligns themselves with the Divine Will. 

Element: Thought - "I KNOW/UNDERSTAND". 


The Crown Chakra governs the interaction and communication with the Universe and receives the Divinely inspired messages and ideas. It is the basis of union with the Higher Self and a deep understanding and awareness of the connection between all of us. It is simultaneously responsible for a healthy spiritual life. The Crown Chakra requires a sound Base Chakra to ensure that a person continues to function effectively in their physical life. If any chakra is blocked or out of alignment, the Crown chakra will also be impacted. In brief- the crown chakra allows for the experiences and feelings of connection environmentally, internally and within the cosmic context. It is an integration of the 'whole'.

How Well is your Crown Chakra Functioning?

If your Crown Chakra is STRONG, you are aware of your connection to the divine and always feel connected to it (whether you call it God, Goddess, Allah, Universal Consciousness, All That I Am, or your "Higher Self"). As you proceed in your day-to-day living, you are constantly reminded that you are watched over and protected. You feel immensely grateful for the universal love and protection you feel toward yourself and others. Others may refer to you as "shining" or that you "SHINE'. You understand, at a deeper level, that some things you just DON'T make sense, and that is okay – at the divine time, in the perfect place .. all will be revealed. You can feel calm and peaceful even under pressure and make wise and discerning decisions. You feel connected to all living things and live firmly in the present moment, the here and NOW. You understand that you are part of something much bigger than yourself, and you trust that you are part of a Divine Plan and where often the picture remains to be revealed. You feel that you are divinely connected to your intuition and trust it. 


 If your Crown Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED, you tend to feel isolated and disconnected from the Universe and others. You may feel stuck or stagnating and have lost faith and trust in the Universe. Your life may lack clarity, purpose or direction, and you focus on your human experiences and emotions. You often suffer migraines and tension headaches. You don't understand the why's or how's, although you want to know intensely. The information eludes you because your crown chakras are closed or blocked. Early warning signs of Crown dysfunction include difficulty meditating and a spiritual disinterest, boredom, and feeling unfulfilled. There is a lack of balance in your life, and you may suffer from many health conditions and overall poor coordination. You may experience enduring confusion and impaired mental functioning. Obvious behaviours include depression, apathy, scepticism, and others might perceive you as stubborn, sarcastic and narrow-minded..

The OVERACTIVE Crown Chakra is usually related to too much meditation or too much study and research, overusing the mind and brain. The overt indicators are confusion and feeling disconnected, poor mental functioning (lack of balance), and hyper-spiritualisation because of too much meditation. This translates as the sayings "all brains and no commonsense', or "off with the fairies and in Lala land', compounding disconnection with others and the universal consciousness. The remedy is to balance how you spend your time and ensure that you spend time grounding each day. If you devote one hour a day to meditation, make sure that you spend at least an hour a day dealing with the base survival issues or outside. 



I AM divinely connected to my Higher Self. I AM

I AM willing to release my will and embrace Divine will. I AM

I AM Divinely connected to everything and everyone around me. I AM

I AM aligned with Divine Will. I AM

I AM ONE with the Divine. I AM

I AM able to access Divine Wisdom. I AM

I AM grateful for blessings known and unknown, seen and unseen. I AM.